Volunteer opportunities

Town Common Task Force


The Town Common welcomes participation by organizations and residents involved in the community who would like to help promote greater civic engagement and collaboration. Our in-person gatherings require enthusiastic publicists and organizers. For the website, we especially welcome people with graphic and web design experience, and those who love organization.

About the organization:

A non-partisan, community based organization dedicated to providing both actual and virtual gathering spaces in order to promote collaborative civic engagement. Its membership includes representation from non-profit organizations and  Town boards.

Friends of the Middlesex Fells


There are many ways get involved with the Friends of the Middlesex Fells and make a difference! Volunteer, take action on an advocacy issue, become a member and donate. See https://www.friendsofthefells.org/volunteer/ for some details. Check out our calendar for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

About the organization:

A nonprofit organization to promote the conservation, appreciation, and sustainable enjoyment of the Middlesex Fells Reservation. We envision a Middlesex Fells Reservation where nature and people thrive in harmony, supported by a diverse and caring community conserving it for future generations.

The Middlesex Fells Reservation, often referred to simply as the Fells, is a 3,400-acre Massachusetts state park located in Malden, Medford, Melrose, Stoneham, and Winchester. The park is managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), and is part of the Metropolitan Park...

Winchester Home & Garden Club


To join our club, please fill in the membership information.

About the organization:

We are a group interested in the beautification of our town Winchester, as well as in gardening, floral arranging, improving the home. We offer educational meetings and the opportunity to become an active participant in a delightful group of women working together.

We are members of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts and National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Sustainable Winchester


At Sustainable Winchester, we are committed to making our town a better place to live. We believe that sustainability is a collective effort, and that everyone can have a role in creating a better future. We host monthly meetings that are open to everyone, no matter what your background or experience level is with sustainability. Come join us and learn how you can make a difference.

About the organization:

Sustainable Winchester is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering a sustainable future for our community. We aim to inspire Winchester residents to actively participate in sustainability. Our focus areas include renewable energy, waste management, construction and building use, transportation, land use, water and air resources, biodiversity and sustainable landscaping.​

​We serve as a catalyst and a connector, linking residents with individuals, community groups, and resources that can help turn sustainability ideas into reality. This could be within your civic organization, faith...

Parish of the Epiphany


Parish of the Epiphany's Journey to Justice meets the third Sunday of each month from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm to intentionally learn about justice, advocacy, and solidarity. Alongside our monthly meetings, we are present with our neighbors through community programs, food assistance, and financial support.

About the organization:

The Parish of the Epiphany is a welcoming Episcopal community. The warmth and fellowship found at Epiphany can serve as an inspiring touchstone in our busy lives, and a reminder that we are all stronger when our voices are lifted together in prayer. We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings at 8:00 am for a quiet service of Rite I Holy Eucharist, or at 10:00 am for a service of Rite II Holy Eucharist with music, childcare for infants and toddlers ages 0-3, and Church School for children ages preschool through grades 5. At 5:00 pm on the first Sunday of the month from October through June, we...

Legacy Winchester


We need volunteers in the following areas:

  • Inventory new acquisitions
  • Fill in metadata for existing and new acquisitions.
  • Uploading content, video/still image or audio files, for new acquisitions and existing items.
  • Run transcode software to convert video formats
  • Web development

About the organization:

The Legacy Winchester Project seeks to both preserve and make readily available the electronically/digitally recorded history of Winchester Massachusetts-Winchester's Legacy. The recordings include video, still images and audio recordings. We are a project of the Winchester Historical Society.

Winchester Farmers Market Community Hub


  • Farmers Market - social media content; event coordinator; journalist, story writer, setting up market, assistant market administrator
  • Food Security - SNAP processors; donated food collectors and distributors; fundraiser
  • Gardens for Good program - residents interested in learning about gardening practices; fruit & vegetable gardeners interested in regenerative gardening; landowners interested in turning lawns into food production; support personnel for processing and distribution to food pantries
  • Grow Local for the Planet - pollinator gardeners

About the organization:

The Winchester Farmers Market Community Hub explores the different aspects of community building and the ways that bring people together. With the Winchester Farmers Market as the starting point various programs are developed that contribute to a more resilient vibrant community. 


Winchester Cultural Council


Any Winchester resident is eligible to join the Cultural Council whenever there is a vacancy. Vacancies are posted on the town's website (under "employment opportunities"). Interested parties may inquire withe the Town Manager's office or contact the Cultural Council directly, or may stop by a monthly WCC meeting. Volunteers are generally needed and are always welcome for all Cultural Council activities. Community input is important in directing Cultural Council activities and spending priorities, so the WCC welcomes public participation in meetings and other communications.

About the organization:

The Winchester Cultural Council is a town agency composed of volunteers appointed by the Select Board who work to enhance the artistic and cultural life of the town. The council collaborates with the Massachusetts Cultural Council and other state agencies, and works to build connections between local organizations.

Friends of the Winchester Public Library


Donations are always welcome. 100% of the money donated is used to support the Library. From time to time, Board positions are open. Interested people should visit the web site to learn more about these opportunities.

About the organization:

Anyone who makes a donation to the Friends of the Winchester Public Library is considered a Friend.  Activities are managed by a volunteer Board. The Friends is a distinct organization from the Library Board of Trustees, which has custody and management of the library, its property, and budget.

Porchfest Winchester


Porchfest runs on volunteers, and all those with interest and enthusiasm are welcome. Activities typically start around February and ramp up towards the day of the event in June. For preparations we need promoters, graphic designers, grant writers, networkers, schedulers, sign posters, and creative thinkers to identify and encourage good performers and find great porches. For the event we need help with matching performers with porches, with producing and distributing materials. On the day of the event we could use porch monitors, social media assistants, live streaming/video coordinators, and help with logistics. A small group can do a lot because it's really about supporting the community, but there are plenty of ways to help.

About the organization:

Winchester Porchfest is a unique, volunteer-organized, one-day community-building music festival where Winchester residents  lend their porches as pop-up micro-stages to amateur musicians who will showcase their musical talent to neighbors who will walk around town and join other community members in enjoying concerts and the atmosphere. Porchfest is a program of Winchester Friends of Music.

Winchester Cultural District


Volunteers are welcome to assist with exhibitions and programs, and to help build the cultural infrastructure. Arts Winchester has groups working to coordinate with the town government ("Town Liaison"), to develop physical facilities ("Cultural Resources"),  to produce and encourage new events ("Arts and Events"), and to connect with students and other young people ("Youth Advisory Council"). Volunteers are welcome to join those groups, to help on individual projects, or simply to contribute ideas.

About the organization:

The Massachusetts Cultural Council designated Downtown Winchester as a Cultural District in 2019 in recognition of the concentration and vitality of its artistic and cultural resources within the community, which creates an infrastructure for local arts, humanities, and science organizations’ public programmed events.

Arts Winchester is the Winchester Cultural District Managing Partnership, comprised of volunteer artists and leadership representatives from the cultural community and creative economy. It organizes events, promotes public art and culture, connects cultural creators, and generally...



Bring a song you like. Teach it to the rest of us, and one day lead the group when we play it. Make some happiness for yourself first. If you wish, share the happiness by playing for your friends. 

Updated 2024-02-04 11:47pm

About the organization:

Started in 2013, Shukulele is an amateur ukulele group that plays at the farmers market and facilities such as assisted living places. See the blog shukulele.blogspot.com where the Shukulosophy is stated.  

Our mission is simple:  Have fun making music at every skill level. In particular, encourage the creation of music by people who have been told all their lives they are “not musical”.  All have a home here to play and sing. Your mistakes are hidden by everyone else’s mistakes: Frank Zappa said “A wrong note played timidly is wrong. A wrong note played with energy and enthusiasm is artistic...

Meals on Wheels


Volunteers are welcomed to help deliver meals, as well as to assist with operations.

About the organization:

Winchester Meals on Wheels is a non - profit organization, led by a volunteer board, that provides home-delivered meals to Winchester residents unable to prepare them or shop for food.



WHS Sports Coverage (EXs: Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, etc.)

Recording of Community Events (EXs: talks/presentations hosted by the library and other town organizations, annual events such as Town Day, and others)

Crewing other member productions!

About the organization:

WinCAM is Winchester's community media station. Along with providing video coverage of municipal meetings and town events, WinCAM offers training and production assistance to anyone who lives or works in Winchester. WinCAM members have access to professional video production equipment as well as our fantastic facility, complete with two production studios, post production suites and multipurpose production room. The multipurpose space is available for community use as well and can hold up to 80 people for meetings, workshops, presentations or functions.

Get monthly updates from WinCAM in your...

350 MetroNorth


Volunteers would contribute by coming to our meetings, sharing in our discussions and joining with us in actions of their choice.

About the organization:

350 MetroNorth, founded in Winchester in December, 2016, is a local chapter of 350 Mass. It consists of a group of volunteers from Winchester and other nearby towns who meet (online) mid-day on alternate Wednesdays to educate themselves on climate related issues and to take certain actions. Actions include what we can do in our homes, towns and the state. Examples are: encouraging electrification of our home heating and cooling and of our vehicles, encouraging municipal actions to reduce emissions and supporting municipal climate action plans, encouraging good climate legislation in MA...

Girl Scouts


We have opportunities to volunteer regularly, occasionally, or even just once a year. Looking for troop leaders, town wide communications facilitation, to run badge workshops, mentor service projects, and serve as another set of hands at events. Reach out to winchestergirlscouts@gmail.com to learn more how you can help our youth grow in confidence, character, and conviction.

About the organization:

Any youth in grades K-12 in Winchester, Massachusetts is welcome to join a troop or participate as an independent Juliette in our Girl Scout program. We have more than 30 troops in all the following Levels:

  • Daisy Girl Scouts (Kindergarten and 1st Grade)
  • Brownie Girl Scouts (2nd and 3rd Grades)
  • Junior Girl Scouts (4th and 5th Grades)
  • Cadette Girl Scouts (6th through 8th Grades)
  • Senior Girl Scouts (9th and 10th Grades)
  • Ambasador Girl Scouts (11th and 12th Grades).

We have active troops with girls at all town schools, and troops that meet at different locations such as the various public schools or...

Winchester Foundation for Educational Excellence (WFEE)


We need volunteers for the following events:

  • Fall Gala (September or October)
  • Authorfest (October)
  • Trivia Bee (February)
  • Town Day Road Race (June)
  • Teacher Tribute (June)

About the organization:

WFEE raises and grants money in support of creativity, excellence, and innovation in Winchester public schools.

A Better Chance (ABC)


Rides Committee, Hospitality Committee, Tutoring, Hosting - please email us to inquire!

About the organization:

Winchester ABC is a chapter of A Better Chance, Inc., a national nonprofit organization founded in 1963 to provide academically talented male and female scholars of color with expanded educational and career opportunities. Today, more than 1,000 African-American, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American scholars participate in A Better Chance programs in private and public college-preparatory schools throughout the country. Winchester ABC scholars attend WHS and become active members of the Winchester town community.

Swim Winchester


Our volunteer-based group includes town and community leaders, local aquatic, recreation and fitness stakeholders, and other experts. We are always looking for volunteers to help spread the word, give feedback, help plan events, and fundraise! 

About the organization:

We are a grassroots, non-profit 501(c)(3) group formed in 2014 to build a Winchester community aquatic center as a public-private partnership on Town land, with a privately-funded capital campaign and self-sustaining operations.

Winchester News


As writers, as advisors, as subscribers, and especially as donors.

About the organization:

Winchester News serves the entire community, including all residents and businesses.