Providing exceptional, nurturing and engaging out-of-school programming for Winchester's working families. The Winchester After School Program, Inc. d.b.a. Kids' Corner, is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that has proudly served Winchester since 1982.
To nurture compassionate and confident youth through exceptional and engaging out-of-school programs.
We offer a ton of amazing programs for children grades K-8 such as:
- Our traditional and well-loved After School Program (Grades K-6)
- Our super fun Summer Program (Grades K-5) and our adventurous KC Xtreme (Grades 6-8)
- Amazing educational enrichments on site such as karate, gymnastics, spanish, hip-hop dance, & more (Grades K-6)
- Engaging Full Day Programming on school vacation days, professional development days & certain holidays (Grades K-5)
- Our fantastic and parent-favorite- Friday Night Out (Potty trained toddlers/preschoolers-Grade 6)
All programs and information can be found on our website: www.kidscornerwinchester.org
We are always looking for volunteers to assist with our fun programs and events! We especially appreciate volunteers during our Summer Program and during events! If you'd like to volunteer during the Summer Program, please reach out to Mike at Mike@kidscornerwinchester.org and if you would like to volunteer during our events, please reach out to Becky at Becky@kidscornerwinchester.org. Thank you!
263 Main Street, Lower Level
Winchester, MA 01890
United States