
Intro to Steel Drums Workshop (Youth)

Are you interested in trying Steel Drums (also known as Steel Pans)?
Join WCMS's Laurie Russell and Sara McCabe for a fun and relaxed workshop at the Winchester Recreation Department. You'll learn about the history of these incredible instruments from Trinidad and Tobago, receive instruction on how to play, and learn a new song together each session. You can attend any workshop or join all three. No musical background is required.

Youth Workshop (ages 10-17): 6:00-7:00 PM, with optional guided practice 7:00-7:20 PM
Adult Workshop (ages 18+): 7:30-8:30 PM, with optional guided practice 8

Jr. District Mock Audition Workshop

Registration Deadline: January 13, 2025
This workshop is for students in grades 6-9 trying out for the MMEA Junior District Festival. The workshop will provide a wealth of information about the audition process including how to prepare, manage nerves, and develop presentation skills. Students will divide into vocal and instrument groups to perform for adjudicators and receive constructive feedback on their solos and scales.
Open to all singers and instrumentalists; you do not have to be a WCMS student to participate.
$30 per participant; register by January 13
Register Online

Sight-Reading Superstars: Brass & Woodwind Workshop

Would you like to improve your sight-reading ability? For students who are preparing for auditions, sight-reading is often the most challenging part of the process. In this 90-minute session, oboe teaching artist Kyoko Hida-Battaglia will work with students on sight-reading technique. We will practice sight-reading rhythm patterns without instruments, then work on reading examples similar to those you might encounter in a live audition.
All woodwind and brass students from sixth grade through adults are welcome. Please bring your instrument and the etude book you are using in your lessons.

Spring Piano Evaluations

Evaluation Dates:

Saturday, 4/27, 1:00 - 5:30 pm
Sunday, 4/28, 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

WCMS Piano Evaluations are a springtime performance opportunity for dedicated students of WCMS faculty. They are only open to students of WCMS teachers by recommendation.
How do they work?
Students prepare a program to perform for a panel of two teaching artists and receive detailed, constructive feedback. The student's teacher determines the repertoire and scale requirements for their evaluation. These evaluations are designed to encourage growth and artistic expression for students of all ages.

Spring Piano Evaluations

Evaluation Dates:

Saturday, 4/27, 1:00 - 5:30 pm
Sunday, 4/28, 9:00 am - 5:30 pm

WCMS Piano Evaluations are a springtime performance opportunity for dedicated students of WCMS faculty. They are only open to students of WCMS teachers by recommendation.
How do they work?
Students prepare a program to perform for a panel of two teaching artists and receive detailed, constructive feedback. The student's teacher determines the repertoire and scale requirements for their evaluation. These evaluations are designed to encourage growth and artistic expression for students of all ages.

Workshop: Pranayama (Yogic Breath) for Musicians

For ages 11 and up.
The power of our breath goes beyond simply keeping us alive - it can allow us to synchronize with the external world around us, and internally it can re-regulate our nervous systems before auditions/performances. It can also be used to regulate our temperature and to create different mental states such as excited or calm. If you are a singer or wind-player, you're already using your breath to fuel your instrument, and this workshop could help deepen your understanding of the mechanics of breathing as well as try some techniques that you might use in other areas of life.