
Classes for all ages; activities primarily related to schools; events by educational institutions to further their mission

(VIRTUAL) Q&A with Author Kathleen DuVal: "Native Nations: A Millennium in North America"

Learn about Indigenous Peoples in North America, their resilience and battle for self-sovereignty. We are joined by Professor, Historian, and Author Kathleen DuVal as she discusses her book Native Nations: A Millennium in North America ('An essential American history' says The Wall Street Journal) that places the power of Native nations at its center, telling their story from the rise of ancient cities more than a thousand years ago to fights for sovereignty that continue today.…Learn More


3D Drawing Glasses

Amaze your family and friends with your 3-D drawings and DIY 3-D glasses. For kids in grades 2-5. Registration required. Questions? Email winchild@minlib. netThis program is supported by the Friends of the Winchester Public Library. ** FOR ALL CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING: Parents/caregivers must remain in the building while a child younger than 8 years old is attending a Library program.

A Primer for Older Adult Self-Centered Care

Dr. Wayne Saltsman, Geriatrician and advocate for patient-driven healthcare, will share key strategies to maintain a high quality of life as you age and speak about the importance of proactive planning to stay healthy. He will also talk about how to navigate the healthcare system to ensure your voice is heard, and your healthcare choices reflect your personal values and preferences.


AARP: Missing Middle Housing

Across the United States, there is a mismatch between the available housing stock and what the market wants and need combined with a demand for walkable living options for all ages on the rise. Missing Middle Housing types -- duplexes, fourplexes, courtyard apartments, and more -- have become an increasingly important part of age-friendly livable communities nationwide. Antron Watson will explain, illustrate and compare examples of missing middle housing. In doing so, he demonstrates how communities far and wide are using the concept to build momentum for livable communities and address
