350 MetroNorth, founded in Winchester in December, 2016, is a local chapter of 350 Mass. It consists of a group of volunteers from Winchester and other nearby towns who meet (online) mid-day on alternate Wednesdays to educate themselves on climate related issues and to take certain actions. Actions include what we can do in our homes, towns and the state. Examples are: encouraging electrification of our home heating and cooling and of our vehicles, encouraging municipal actions to reduce emissions and supporting municipal climate action plans, encouraging good climate legislation in MA, sometimes taking direct action in the streets and more.
Our mission is to have individuals, organizations, communities and the state take actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and in other ways address climate change.
Our group welcomes interested persons to join us. We can offer presentations to local groups on some climate related issues. We share information at community events.
Volunteers would contribute by coming to our meetings, sharing in our discussions and joining with us in actions of their choice.
27 Edward Drive
Winchester, MA 01890
United States