The LWV of Winchester was founded the year women won the right to vote in 1920. Initially only women could join League of Women Voter organizations. Now, the League is open to all persons 16 years of age or older. We are a group of volunteers who primarily provide voter services, including voter registration, candidate forums, education and advocacy on public policy. The Winchester League is part of a three tier organization consisting of the League of Women of United States and the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts. The League of Women Voters is fully committed to ensure compliance - in principle and in practice - with LWV Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan organization that promotes political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League may take action on policies in the public interest, but shall not support or oppose any political party or candidate.
P.O. Box 1033
Winchester, MA 01890
United States