We are a group interested in the beautification of our town Winchester, as well as in gardening, floral arranging, improving the home. We offer educational meetings and the opportunity to become an active participant in a delightful group of women working together.
We are members of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts and National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Club Theme: Bloom where you are planted!
Established 1934 – Federated 1935
150 Total Members – 11 Honorary.
The website has some examples of Winchester Home & Garden Club Civic Involvement.
$15,000 to the Town of Winchester for the Common project
Park Bench donations: Jenks Senior Center and Harry Chefalo Park
$10,000 donation to Jenks Center for Courtyard
Winchester High School – Junior Class Courtyard: $1,000 donation for granite and plantings
Winchester Scholarship Foundation – Memorial Scholarships
Winchester Hanging Plants– Co-sponsor and donation
Donations Winchester Trails – Friends of Winter Pond, Horn Pond Conservation
Boutonnieres for Veterans on Veteran’s Day
Garden Therapy classes for local area nursing homes
Winchester Hospital Meditation Room floral arrangements
Winchester Town Common Fountain plantings and maintenance
Winchester Town Common – “Revitalization of Town Common” (ongoing)
To join our club, please fill in the membership information.
26 Eaton Street
Winchester, MA 01890
United States